Subject: Father Placement in Lieu of Welfare From: fathers Date: Tue, 11 Jul 1995 13:57:34 -0400 (EDT)
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Father Placement in Lieu of Welfare From: fathers Date: Tue, 11 Jul 1995 13:57:34 -0400 (EDT)
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Q - Is single father involvement any better for the child than single
mother involvement?

....paraphrasing. yes.

>>That's a load of BS. A single-father family that was self-supporting is
>>often not self-supporting once dad has the 4 kids. A $35,000/yr job is
>>great for supporting one person, but not a family.  Kids will be NO BETTER
>>and NO WORSE off with their fathers than with their mothers.  And as the
>>practice grows, we'll see more welfare dads.

>I hope you are not trying to imply the $35,000 a year is not adequate
>for an adult parent and four kids, because neither the government, nor
>half of the population (that lives under this amount) would believe you!

>Secondly, you display ignorance in an ever-increasing body of data
>that shows that the children of fatherless families are at serious
>risk, whereas there is no similar body of data for motherless families.

>Thirdly, the proportion of fathers on welfare in father-single-parent
>homes is smaller by a factor of more than 3 than mothers on welfare
>in mother-single-parent homes....when using percentages of homes.

>David Garrod

David makes an excellent point about the real rather than the perceived
differences between mothers and fathers.  Fatherlessness, not 
motherlessness, is cited by all recent studies as the source of our social
pathology.  And this is not because of incomes - it is because of the
ability of the father to inspire, discipline, & communicate.

But more important than this is the fact that "Father Placement in Lieu
of Welfare" will INCREASE the number of two-parent families, which is the
best environment of all for children.  The actual results are expected to
be a decrease in the number of mother-headed households and an increase in
two-parent households - not an increase in father-only households.

With regard to incomes, the California "Senate Task Force on Family 
Equity" says that in families where both parents work the father provides
an average of 80% of the income, and the mother provides only 20%.
Anecdotal evidence from a wide variety of sources disputes this, and 
suggests that mothers provide about 10% of family incomes where the mother
works.  This alone is evidence that father-only households would at least
provide better finances for the children, and would significantly reduce 
the probability that "welfare" or "charity" would need to be provided
to children.  It also eliminates the need to continue to transfer billions
of dollars from one parent to the other, which is a good idea, because it
has not worked, and it costs more to try to transfer these assets than
the amount that gets transferred.

A number of welfare agencies have been contacted regarding the gender of
their applicants, and guess what!

Females constitute 95% of all welfare recipients!!!

Just in the name of "equality" we should risk increasing the number of
fathers on welfare simply to balance out this "inequality".  But the 
reality is that fathers who have their own children placed with them 
will have increased, not decreased, incomes, as they will no longer have 
to hide their incomes to prevent their ex-wives from getting it.

"Father Placement in Lieu of Welfare" not only saves the taxpayers of the
US billions of dollars, but it IMPROVES the lives of our children, and it
reduces social pathology, saving taxpayers even more in the long run.



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