Date: Thu, 13 Jul 1995 15:56:57 -0400 (EDT)
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TIME, July 3, 1995, pg. 21, "The Myth About Welfare Moms" tells us
everything we ever wanted to know about the irresponsibility of the US
media and TIME itself.
It wrote about "welfare moms" as if though there is just no problem here
and presumes the rights of children to grow up under the stigma welfare.
It ignored the role that welfare payments has played in creating the
highest divorce rate in the industrialized world, and failed to
mention that the industrialized world's highest illegitimacy rate is
partially funded by welfare. It quoted studies which suggest that cutting
welfare will not reduce illegitimacy, while discrediting studies which
proved that cutting welfare DID just that.
Not a single US citizen should be allowed to believe that welfare HELPS
any child. There is not a shred of statistical evidence that shows HOW
it helped our nation's children - there are just the "compassionate"
anecdotes describing individual hardship cases which fail to consider the
statistics, the long term future of the children of welfare,
the impact it has on both divorce and illegitimacy, the huge cost in both
dollars and social pathology, and the "morality" of government-sponsored
"charity". The statistical evidence which relates welfare payments to
fatherlessness to social pathology is solid evidence. It is easy to
understand. It should be taught to EVERY child. We must stigmatize EVERY
welfare recipient. We must use our heads to solve the problem and stop
sweeping the FACTS under the carpet as TIME does. And we must not listen
to those who portray this as a "temporary band aid". It is as permanent
as cancer and has created an entirely new and permanent class of citizen.
The article appears to be well written, and maybe even well thought out.
But that is exactly the problem. What is behind the surface is a $250
Billion bureaucratic monster which is destroying/has destroyed our
cultural fabric. It subsidizes and supports and causes divorce and
illegitimacy. It criminalizes fathers. It alienates fathers from their
children. It trivializes the value of the father in the family. And it
takes his money to do all of this.
Do the editors at TIME know this? You bet they do. So why don't they
present BOTH sides of the welfare "Myth"? To advance their "equality"
agenda, and for no other reason. Not for more subscriptions. Not for
more advertisers. Not for the benefit of the nation or the children. Not
for sound business reasons. Just to advance personal beliefs?
From Thu Jul 13 17:54:36 1995
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