Subject: Re: Web Interactivity From: Adam Gaffin Date: Fri, 14 Jul 95 11:40:19 EDT
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: Web Interactivity From: Adam Gaffin Date: Fri, 14 Jul 95 11:40:19 EDT

On Fri, 14 Jul 1995 00:44:55 -0500  Jeremy Allaire wrote:
>UNIX enthusiasts, please answer a question for me?
>Where is there an app for UNIX and the Web that
>allows me to build total interactive applications
>without any programming knowledge, without any
>direct knowledge of CGI, and that works with
>any database system in the world?  Where is there
>an app that lets me build applications and not
>worry about system administration AT ALL?
>Answer:  It doesnt exist; you must be a coder
>to develop an interactive Web in UNIX.
>NT & Cold Fusion!

Sorry, but this is silly. The Real Answer: Use whatever you're 
most comfortable with.  Network World's increasingly a Unix 
shop, and the person we hired as a webmaster has a Unix 
background, so guess what sort of server we're using for our 
Web site? He knows Perl, he's comfortable with it and he 
doesn't consider it a Major Catastrophe he can't build apps via 
connect-the-dot GUIs. If we were an NT shop, we probably 
would've done things differently, but we're not.

Adam Gaffin
Online Editor
Network World, Framingham, Mass. / (508) 820-7433


End of online-news-digest V1 #242

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