Subject: Re: Emailing the news From: "J.J. Linden" Date: Thu, 13 Apr 1995 01:01:46 -0400 (EDT)
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: Emailing the news From: "J.J. Linden" Date: Thu, 13 Apr 1995 01:01:46 -0400 (EDT)
To: Lois Breedlove 
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On Wed, 12 Apr 1995, Lois Breedlove wrote:

> I've been one of the Anchorage Daily News on-line readers from the 
> beginning and I love it.  I don't have to do anything; it just shows up 
> with my morning mail -- kind of like the newspaper on the doorstep.  It's 
> all text so I don't have major delays in reading it, I can skim it 
> quickly, or not, depending on time. For someone like me, who needs to 
> skim a lot of information and doesn't need the enticing graphics, this is 
> a great service.


> I don't think it has to be an either/or choice, but I've 
> become a fan of the e-mail newspaper.


One point I think we've neglected somewhat in this thread.  Not only is 
e-mail the only net medium which can be accessed by virtually everyone with
any level of connectivity (including the Fidonetters and BBS 
subscribers), but in its simplicity, and the way it comes to your 
mailbox, in many respects it is the most elegant net medium.

People like to wake up in the morning and find their newspaper waiting 
for them.  It's how we launch our day, with the first coffee.

I think it's fine to publish a newspaper on a website, or make it 
available for download by ftp or gopher, but I think a lot of people 
would indeed be attracted by the prospect of logging in and having the 
morning news fix sitting there waiting for them.  Graphics or not, or 
even with the graphics mailed separately.

Jay Linden                                           Phone: (416) 510-8948
Toronto, Canada                                  Fax/Modem: (416) 510-8949
Net Presence/Marketing/Netsurfing        email:

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