Subject: Re: Emailing the news From: Lois Breedlove Date: Thu, 13 Apr 1995 10:29:47 -0700 (PDT)
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: Emailing the news From: Lois Breedlove Date: Thu, 13 Apr 1995 10:29:47 -0700 (PDT)
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For me it wouldn't work.  Look, we've done readership studies for years 
that show we lose x percent of our readers after the lead, and something 
like 70 percent at the jump. If readers won't flip the page, the chances 
are they aren't going to want to go into another program, access a page 
just to finish the story. (OK, so if Netscape starts accepting incoming 
mail, so that you aren't juggling programs, it will be easier.  The 
general reader still isn't going to go beyond the brief. And maybe that's 
This is especially true for my relationship with ADN.  I'm a casual 
reader.  It isn't news I NEED, just news I'm curious about.  We're going 
to have to evaluate our readers and their needs more carefully to 
structure our information to be accessed easily and in the doses they 
want.  I know everyone is in to cool graphics, and our web page -- when 
it's done -- will be just as lively.  But after my experience with ADN, I 
may recommend we see if there's a desire for an e-mail version as well.
Lois Breedlove
Portland, Oregon

On Thu, 13 Apr 1995 wrote:

> >I've been one of the Anchorage Daily News on-line readers from the 
> >beginning and I love it.
> Lois:
> What if you got only a "teaser" headline service in the mail? You could do your 
> scanning than log onto the Web for more -- including all those wonderful 
> graphics.
> ____________________________________________________
> ERIC K. MEYER           
> WWW NewsLink
> ____________________________________________________

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