Subject: Re: online communities From: "(R.M.Ulrich)" Date: Sat, 12 Aug 1995 10:04:33 -4
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: online communities From: "(R.M.Ulrich)" Date: Sat, 12 Aug 1995 10:04:33 -4

Sincerest apologies for creating the impression that the "a" word was 
directed at you. I can see how it might have been read that way, but 
that was not my intent. Really. Only my first graph was meant as a 
comment on your response to Holly. The rest was comment on the 
diversity of a community, in personality as well as all other ways, 
and how I thought that diversity carried over into on-line 

Now I DID originally read a bit of sexism into your response to Holly,
and tried to respond to it -- albeit lightheartedly, before going on 
to the issue at hand.  Your  subsequent response to me suggests
even that was my misinterpretation or your words. If so, Mea Culpa.

And you are correct about one thing. Whether we are thinking of the 
network as a marketing tool or a builder of global community, we 
ought to take notice if we are not reaching a proportionate share 
of an important demographic group (In your example, women).

- --Roger
> I guess you haven't read much of the literature on 
> communication difficulties across gender boundaries.  I think that these 
> difficulties are correlated to the fact, observed by myself and plenty of 
> others, that these forums tend to be dominated by men.  I admit I don't 
> understand how these observations I raise are related, but I think it is 
> important to discuss these issues if we are going to create a discursive 
> space conducive to all kinds of people with all kinds of differences.  
> I'd hate to see a medium evolve that is totally dominated by wealthy, 
> aggressive white males.  I guess if you want to imply that I'm an a-hole 
> for suggesting this, you're perfectly free to do so.
> G Scott Aikens

Roger M. Ulrich (
Employed by (but not speaking for) Reading Eagle Company
P.O. Box 582, Reading, Pa., 19603, U.S.


End of online-news-digest V1 #288

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