Subject: Re: Help! Mom is paddling the children! From: R Ballard Date: Wed, 9 Nov 1994 01:24:11 -0500
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: Help! Mom is paddling the children! From: R Ballard Date: Wed, 9 Nov 1994 01:24:11 -0500
References: <399j0h$> <39dlgm$>  
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On Tue, 8 Nov 1994, Alan Yasutovich wrote:

> In alt.child-support you write:
> >On 4 Nov 1994, Purity 1 wrote:
> >> In article <399j0h$>, (Arthur L. 
> >> Busby Jr.) writes:
> >> > Perhaps if discipline were reintroduced into society
> >> >then we wouldnt have the gang problems we do today, and why ..... BECAUSE
> >If you are really serious about wanting to stop the gangs, advocate a 12 
> >month school year.  Advocate 8 hour school days.  Gangs are the direct 
> >result of unstructured time, unrealistic expectations, and minimal 
> >supervision, often by pedophiles and abusive personalities.
> 	I agree.  Last week in church the pastor was preaching.  He
> 	rattled off a bunch of typical things like sex and drugs that
> 	people toute as big teen problems.  Turns out that present
> 	day psychologists claim that "bordom" is the biggest problem
> 	teens have today.

Too often, pastors think they know what is behind the gangs.  Sex is a 
natural instinct.  In India, children are married at age 12, BEFORE they 
go into puberty.  In china, they are married by age 14.  In South 
America, women are married by the time they are 16 or 17.  In the united 
states, "Children" are supposed to finish high school, go to college or 
trade school, establish their careers, and THEN they will be "Ready" to 
enter into the structure of matrimony.  In Corinthians, Paul describes 
this as "abusing your virgin".  The song of solomon is the tale of such 
an "abused virgin". Although the song of solomon is intended to have 
symbolic meaning, it's comprehension and acceptance is based on the 
identification of the selfishness of the maiden's brothers as a cruel 
and abusive torment.

Given the choice between the "wholesome" christian lifestyle, and the 
gang willingness to provide a structure for satisfaction of the most 
basic human post-puberty instincts, it is little wonder that the churches 
are empty relative to the streets which are literally packed with gangs. 
> 	And our intensive teen programs at the church are aimes at not
> 	giving the devil "idle hands" to use as his workshop.

What are the primary principles?  Inquisition with simple garden tools?
Queer Bashing 101?  How about a bit of incest with the Scout Master?  
Lets not forget the weekly session of shame and guilt.

I have no idea what your youth program is like.  I have seen such tactics 
used in a variety of "teen programs" including Campus Life, Teen 
Challenge, and even BSA.  I lost two cousins who felt that they would go 
to hell for their perverted thoughts.  One was 12 years old and couldn't 
yet control his natural reactions to pretty women his age.  The other was 
having homosexual fantasies (which he never acted on).  Take a visit to 
the local psychiatric ward, just start humming a church hymn.  Half the 
patients know the song and will sing along. The other have are reacting 
to Christian Horrors of their past.  I first got drunk on a youth 
retreat.  I was sexually assaulted in a church santuary, and was tortured 
because I was PERCIEVED as being gay.  Eventually I found protection from 
Christian fundamentalist abuse in the gay community.  They accepted my 
heterosexuality, which was more than I could say for the christians.

Most of these perceptions came from trying to live consistant with the 
teachings of Christ.  Unfortunately, when I did't letch obviously as the 
other boys did, they decided I was gay.  When I was still a virgin until 
after my 21st birthday, I was obviously gay.  Christ had many things to 
say about the Pharasees.  Today I see why.

Eventually, I became an alcoholic and recovered.  For the past 14 years, 
I've been helping young alcholics and drug addicts get off the street.  I 
listen as they share carefully written chronicles of their lives (called 
inventories) and are more reluctant to share their desire for relatively 
harmless sexual acts than they are to share about who they've killed.

I've heard about 5000 stories, maybe more, in 8 cities.  City kids, 
country kids, rich kids, poor kids.  People from the shelters of Denver 
Colorado's 5 points, to people from the campus of Princeton University.  
Some of them identify themselves in their pre-drinking days as recovering 
christians, recovering catholics, or recovering fundamentalists.

I recieved this reply in my personal Inbox.  I apologise for the direct 
bluntness.  If I could stop 100 kids from being prepared for the candy 
man by the preacher man, it would be worth it.

	Rex Ballard

From Wed Nov  9 01:49:51 1994
Status: O