Subject: Re: CP wants more CS because NCP lives w/girlfriend From: R Ballard Date: Sat, 12 Nov 1994 00:21:36 -0500
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: CP wants more CS because NCP lives w/girlfriend From: R Ballard Date: Sat, 12 Nov 1994 00:21:36 -0500
In-Reply-To: <39m3vs$ao@csnews.cs.Colorado.EDU> 
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On 7 Nov 1994, Kelvin W. Fedrick wrote:
> In article <39kas5$>,
> Euryd1ce  wrote:
> >I also note that you made no other comment in regards to that post other
> >than to cite this.  Perhaps it is because you would have to say the woman
> >was not wrong in this instance?
Fred, the laws were designed to protect defensless women from angry, 
abusive, drunken men.  Look at the subject line.  Custodial parent (90% 
of all custodial parents in single family homes are women) wants more 
Child Support because that low-life good-for-nothing dead-beat-dad is now 
living with a bimbo who is making $1000/month in stripper-tips (what self 
respecting wholesome woman with her own career would want to associate 
with a low-life-dead-beat-dad, of course she's a stripper-bimbo.  But 
HEY, if we can get an extra $500/month, let him have the bimbo.  Once we 
get the court order for the support, we can stop the visitation because 
he's sleeping with a bimbo.  Hey, if you don't nail him to the wall now, 
she might get pregnant, marry him, cut him off, and get a settlement for 
an equal share of the inheritance/support...

> Since I cannot verify the validity of the events she described I can neither
> say whether she was wrong or right. That being the case I simply had no comment
> either way. You seem to be implying that I would have a problem admitting that
> sometimes men are abusive to women. This is false. The only problem I have is
When a woman beats a man, or chops off his thing for that matter, it's a 
big joke.  You let that "little woman" beat you up?  What kind of whimp 
are you?  Maybe if she had a "real man", she would have more respect.

> with people implying that whenever their's a problem between couple 99% of the
> time its the mans fault (along with other male-bashing and
> female-puritanicalizing).

When a man hits a woman, he's a low-life scumbag who doesn't deserve to 
live, let alone be left with 30% of his income.  He should be grateful he 
isn't just put in a jail cell and chained to his terminal.  A visectomy 
works real well.  No woman wants a man who doesn't have child-support 
potental, it really cramps his sex life.  Some women actually wait until 
after papa has had the vasectomy before they serve the papers).

Now, if a woman hits a man, chops his thing off, seduces the entire 
football team and the entire brigade of the local army base, and then 
announces her engagement to a schizophrenic manic-depressive, obviously 
you weren't "Man Enough" to keep her.  You deserve to be a slave for 
twenty years for impersonating a man. :-).

Now shut up and pay your support like a good little boy, and we won't 
have to lock you up with "Brucie" for a couple of weeks.  Maybe you'll 
get lucky and meet some of the other guys who slept with her the week 
your son was concieved.  They have to win the "Lottery" sometime.:-)

> -kelvin

From Sat Nov 12 01:04:37 1994
Status: O