Subject: Re: Picking at Scabs From: R Ballard Date: Mon, 21 Nov 1994 11:22:12 -0500 (EST)
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: Picking at Scabs From: R Ballard Date: Mon, 21 Nov 1994 11:22:12 -0500 (EST)
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It has been a long time since I exchanged views with a gran Wazier.  Are 
you worthy of such distinction?

On Fri, 28 Oct 1994, Rick Savage wrote:

> >From anonymous FTP site: /pub/SFA
> -----------------------------------------
>      A recurring theme in Instauration is the judaization of America 
> or words to that effect.  I suspect that most of us have some pretty 
> vivid notions of what that means.  We could point to Jewish 
> control of the media and finance (and degradation of same), Israeli 
> influence on foreign policy, Holocaust sanctification, the 
> predictable yammering of the ACLU and the ADL and Clinton's 
> cabinet appointments and Supreme Court nominees.  

I can't say that I'm particularly fond of Mr Clinton (Yes, I am a 
Republican), but I have worked in the Banking, Insurance, and Publishing 
industry for 10 years now.  I wouldn't say there are NO Jews, but I 
wouldn't say they have a monopoly, or even control, or even a significant 
influence on the industry.  There are whites, blacks, jews, latins, 
indians, and even a few right wing fundamentalists.

>      More important are Jewish influences that are not just "alien" 
> to us, but infect and transform us so completely we start to exhibit 
> Jewish behavior.  Here we could mention hucksterism and fast 

If you want to talk about infection, how about the way the white 
Europeans "Invected" North America and South America.  We left them a few 
concentration camps in the middle of the deserts of of Colorado and 
Arizona.  I've been to a few "Reservations", nowhere near as nice as the 
National Parks and National Forests we took from them.

> bucksterism, the mounting rudeness and abrasiveness of daily life, 
> an intolerable increase in conspicuous consumption while taste 
> and restraint are nose-diving, the collapse of ethics, the 
> proliferation of lawsuits and the over-emphasis on groins and 
> loins in popular culture.  Jews may have blazed the trails, but all 

The Belle's of the South were never conspiously consumptive.  The 
overseers of the plantations were so polite to the slaves that the slaves 
would come back just because they asked so nicely.  The poor white trash 
never concieved babies out of wedlock, and they NEVER impregnated a black 
woman.  To rape a black woman would be a crime punishable by burning at 
the cross.  Right?

> too many of us have followed them, almost oblivious to the fact 
> that the aforementioned trails are anathema to an advanced 
> civilization.

Which advanced civilization is this?  The one in Florida that executed 25 
men who were known to be innocent but had received "Due Process" even 
though there was new evidence that would have cleared them?

Of course we could talk about the advanced civilization that burned World 
War One Veterans at the cross because they smiled at a white woman.  We 
could look at the advanced civilizations of Texas, Arkansas, or even 
Colorado, where migrant workers are smuggled across the border and then 
forced to work as farm labor and live in metal huts that can get as hot 
as 180 degrees, then they can go out and drink sewage.  That's real 

>      Another Jewish trait that permeates American society is the 
> "Never Forget Syndrome."  I like to call it picking at scabs.

When the black gangs come to your home, castrate you, execute your child, 
and rape then kill your wife and mother, you will forget after a short 
period of mourning.  Right?

>      From Freud to the latest Jewish headshrinker on the nonfiction 
> bestseller list, Jews have achieved fame and fortune by convincing 
> us to pick at every scab -- real or imaginary -- long after the injury 
> -- real or imaginary.

Amazing, now all headshrinkers are Jewish too?  How about some of those 
masterful Nazis who managed to exploit the psyche of eastern Europe, at 
the expense of between 12 million and 16 million lives?  They were GOOD 

>      There is a two-step process at work here.  First you convince 
> 'em they're sick, then you sell 'em the cure!  It's an unbeatable 
> combination.

Kind of like the "Breakdown of the Family" cured by right wing 
fundamentalism and concentration camps for Gays, Lesbians, Unwed Mothers, 
Deadbeat Fathers (those unwilling to pay 75% of their earnings to other 
"deserving forces"), and of course let's not forget the Poor White Trash.
We can come up with interesting names, like Quarantine Centers, Minimum 
Security Prisons, Supervised Homes, and Non-costodial parent support 
quarters.  Nice, polite words for Concentration Camps!!

>      The Holocaust survivor is an all-too-familiar figure reaching 
> back 50 years or more into his memory bank and bringing out 
> atrocity after atrocity.  Ah, but now the Holocaust survivor has 
> company -- lots of it.

> And most of it belongs to the Majority.  
Yes those Poor Abused Fundamentalist Klansmen have really been abused 
haven't they?  Our only hope is Pat Roberson!!!  Newt will save us!!!

> Alien 
> abductions are a real problem, but I'm referring to Latino 
> carjacking, rap and murder, not abductions of the "Beam me up, 
Oh that's right!!, rap should be a capital crime shouln't it?!!

> Jose'" variety.
Should we keep them wetbacks in "the boxes" where they belong??

>      - They called me fatso and hurt my feelings!
>      - My dad never told me he loved me!
>      - My parents use racial slurs when no one else is around.
>      - They said I wasn't pretty enough to make the cheerleading 
> squad.
>      - My mother wouldn't accept my black boyfriend.
>      - My supervisor fondled my buttocks!
Oh, Can I fondle your wife's buttocks?  I'll even let her come on my next 
business trip with me??  I'll bring your daugher too, OK?  I guess it 
really is the same!

> how we now have not only Holocaust victims but children and 
> grandchildren of Holocaust victims -- perhaps not so surprising 
> considering Yahweh's wrath toward not just evildoers but their 
> offspring.  In the year 2025 will we tun in holograph sets and sit 
> among a solemn talk show gathering of great-grandchildren of 
> Auschwitz inmates?

Really!  They shouldn't get worked up about guys who dress in the same 
uniforms as the men who killed their grandparents.  They  certainly 
shouldn't get concerned when those men wearing swastika armbands start 
cheering "Death to Jews", should they?  And we shouldn't be concerned 
when FaraKan leads the blacks in cheers of "Death to Whites" either?  It 
really doesn't matter that both cheers end in violence directed at their 
targets over the next 48 hours.  It's just free speech.

Actually, I'm very interested in what you have to say.  If you decide to 
start killing me, I want to make sure I have a good Lawyer, even if he 
happens to be Jewish.

>      Don't bet against it.  Multi-generational whining is all the rage.  
> We not only have Alcoholics Anonymous but organizations for 
> the spouses and teenage children of boozers.  The gays and 
> lesbians not only have their own organizations, so do their parents 
> and children.

It's silly of those silly people to want to recognize that they have to 
be responsible for the consequences of their own actions, isn't it.  It's 
so much easier to blame the alcoholic or their queer son.  I've been to 
some of their meetings.  They don't let you play victim for long!

>      One of the sorriest trends in pop psychology is the concept of 
> pain sharing.  "I feel your pain," is now the equivalent of "I'm so 
> sorry."  This is the height of idiocy.  Pain is to be RELIEVED, 
> not shared, just as a disease is to be cured, not spread.  Would 
> you want to share someone else's HIV virus or E. coli?  Perhaps 
> this trend explains why we haven't quarantined AIDS victims.  We 
> want to share their pain.

You shouldn't be sharing about how upset you are about all this silly 
cultural insanity, It's your problem, if you don't like it, go back to 
Europe where you belong!

>      Hard to believe that we used to be a hearty people.  Ask 
> yourself if you or anyone you know would even attempt to cross 
> North America in a wagon train.  AT the first broken wheel, we 
> would sue the wheelwright.  Indian attack?  Sue the wagonmaster 
> for not protecting us.  

Isn't it a great system.  You have a problem, talk to the lawyer, and he 
agrees to fix it for a contingincy fee.  Two days later he tells you he 
is suing someone for one million dollars.  If you drop the suit because 
you think it's frivolous, you only have to pay the Lawyer $333,333,  I 
know some great lawyers who would love to help you sue some Jews, OK?

>      Have you ever noticed how that as Gentiles age they start to 
> resemble Jews?  As the body ages and loses its tone, it assumes a 
> wizened, shriveled look.  Many elderly people are complainers, 

Oh BOY!  Eichman is BACK!!!  Can we compare them to the mentally retarded 
and the insane as well?  Maybe we can put them all in "Hospitals" and 
then we can experiment on them and find out what's really wrong with 
them!  Maybe we can even cure them from being Jewish!!

> evoking good old days when they had their health, before they 
> made a lifetime of mistakes of the "If I knew then what I know 
> now" variety.

It's amazing isn't it, it takes a Gentile 80 years to become as wise and 
sensible as a Jew is at 30.  Maybe we are the scum and THEY are the 
"Master Race".

> Have you seen those TV 
> news stories of Vietnam vets at their own wailing wall -- the 
> Vietnam Memorial in Washington, D.C.?  Is there anything more 
> pathetic than the sight of a middle-aged white man in fatigues, 
> blubbering away about his war experiences of a quarter century 
> ago.   (Note that relatively few blacks are videotaped visiting the 
> wall -- even though it's in the heart of D.C.!)

Really, those brutes!!  They shouldn't have submitted to those nice draft 
invitations in the first place.  They should have spit in the Drill 
Sargeant's face.  They should have been grateful for the opportunity to kill 
anything that moves, including beautiful women and 10 year old children.  
And they really deserved to have rocks thown at them when they came 
home.  They deserved to be denied jobs because "Everybody in Nam was a 
druggie".  And now they think they deserve a little respect, phoey, let 
them bow to the Goose Stepping boys in the All Black Uniforms who know 
the real terror of war, in "Splat Ball Tournements".  Besides, the Vets 
only have M-16s, the BlackShirts have AK-47s and UZIs (At least the 
commies and jews can do something right)!

>      Thanks to a student deferment and a high draft lottery number, 
> I was spared the Vietnam experience, so I may not be qualified to 

Oh WOW!  You are SO QUALIFIED to pass JUDGEMENT on those with FIRST HAND 
Experience with pain, suffering, death, torture, and pursecution.  How 
many schools did your daddy have to bribe before he found you one that 
would take you!  Too bad you didn't do what Danny Quail did and find a 
job as a typist in a really hazardous area like Tokyo.  Did you skip out 
on your $100/month (1% of gross income) child support payments the way 
Newt Gingrich (Mr. Family Values) did?

Hitler, Stalin, and the Klan made their first targets intellectuals.  
Maybe we should find a little "Camp" for guys like you.  We could wait 
for a "night of the long knives".

>      The first time you see a buddy get killed, it's "Oh, my God!  
> My best friend!  He's dead!"
>      The second time, it's "Oh, geez, too bad." 
>      And the third time, it's "Whew, glad it wasn't me."

Wasn't it Eichman who used to say, "When you kill your first Jew, it 
makes you sick, when you kill your Second, it gives you relief, and when 
you kill your tenth, it gives you pleasure"?  I forgot the exact quote.

>      Throughout the vast charnel house of history -- of wars, 
> famines, plagues, natural disasters and changing neighborhoods -- 
> there's mores than enough heartache to go around.  Most cultures 
> provide a specified period of mourning, but in semitized America, 

Of course, we forgot the Inquisition, We forgot the KKK, we forgot the 
Roman Circus, we should forget the Holocaust too.  It's only a matter of 
time before the structure is reestablished.

> we can never forget.  (We are, however, constantly advised to 
> deep-six the Old South and the Stars and Bars, even though "Old 
> times there are not forgotten.")  Too many of us have become 

> emotionally disabled for life.  Note the terms "incest survivor" or 
> "rape survivor" as opposed to "incest victim" or "rape victim."  

Ever been raped?  By a MAN?  Try it, you might like it, if you survive!
Then, imagine being forced to inhale a quart of semen coming out of a 
penus the size of a large zuccini.  That's what it's like when you're 
only 3 or 5 years old.  In the moment, you think you are going to die.  
But you survive, and wait for the next time.

> Well, why wouldn't you survive?  As brutal and repulsive as these 
> activities may be, they are not usually life-threatening.  But the 

You obviously haven't been raped.

>      So let's look at the Holocaust afresh.  Forget the body count 
> and let the Jews assert that Six Million Jews died in concentration 
> camps.  Then let us utter the time-honored words, "So what?"

We have just decided to kill your wife, children, grandchildren, parents, 
grandparents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, nieces, and nephews.  You 
will be the only survivor.  So WHAT?

> your field of view.  Out of the thousands that you see, every one 
> will feel pain at various stages of his life -- guaranteed!  And every 
> one will die -- guaranteed!

Of course, we don't know who, or when, or how.  It's the uncertainty of 
life that makes death a certainty we can live with.  When death is a 
certainty, planned and efficiently implemented by a group of uniformed 
and organized men, while the local population observes and giggles, it 
is no longer God who is the only one you can blame.

> Listen, Hymie, they've made great progress in 
> tattoo removal since you were in that camp.  You could at least 
> cover it up with another tattoo, say, a heart with "My Yiddische 
> Momma" emblazoned on it.

The first number I ever saw was BRANDED ON.  She had to rebrand herself 5 
times. She used the burning flesh of her relatives to heat the metal.

>  Whether the body count is 6 or 
> 6,000,000, they've been gone for almost 50 years.

> What other group would even try?
Actually, the Christians have attempted 40 or 50 different renditions of 
the Passion of Jesus, the Persecution of the Christians in the Circus, 
and the torture/mutilitations of Christians by the Muslim Hoards.  The 
score to date:  Christians Killed by Lions and Others -   1,000,000
		Lions and Others Killed by Christians - 500,000,000

And it's not even Half Time yet (RE: Biblical prophecy)

> - Judson Hammond, INSTAURATION, September 1994
>   Published by Howard Allen Enterprises, Inc.
>   Box 76, Cape Canaveral, FL 32920

Watch out buddy, these guys don't take kindly to copyright violations!  
They don't use Jewish lawyers either.  They resolve it like men, the put 
on their hoods and burn-em-at-the-cross.
>  _____________________Rick Savage ______________________
> |     Access this ftp site for many interesting files:      Rick Savage     | 
> |  Anonymous FTP server:  -  cd /pub/SFA    PO Box 5251     |
> |       Gov't, history, law, Bible, socialissues          Denver, CO 80217  |

Rick, I hope you appreciate my "Tongue in cheek sarcasm",  Perhaps you 
actually expound the same view, either way, thanks for the evidence.
The "Focus on the Family" groups are much like this.

	Rex Ballard

From Mon Nov 21 16:47:06 1994
Status: O