Subject: Re: Important Trademark Information From: R Ballard Date: Mon, 24 Oct 1994 01:30:34 -0400 (EDT)
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: Important Trademark Information From: R Ballard Date: Mon, 24 Oct 1994 01:30:34 -0400 (EDT)
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May I make some reccomendations here.  There are some places where it is 
completely appropriate to poste something like this, particulary the news group.  I did not request this information, and I don't 
appreciate recieving it in a personal mailbox as a direct posting.

I would also suggest you subscribe to some of the mailing lists and 
LISTEN before you post.  One that announces appropriate lists is to mail to
Type the following into the first line of the message text
subscribe GovDoc-L 
That will announce mailing lists which would have subscribers who may 
want trademark assistance.

An unsolicited broadcast solicitation like this is likely to net you 
several thousand responses of unhappy recipients.  Some may even attach 
very large datafiles to their responses.  America Online may pull your 
plug if you keep bringing in email "bricks".

If I want legal advice or information I will see who is advertizing in, I suggest you consiter posting your announcement there.
You will reach a highly qualified audience who will be very interested in 
your service.

	Rex Ballard

On Sun, 23 Oct 1994 wrote:

>                    Important Trademark Information
> 	Are you using, or planning to use, a unique name for a service or product?
>  Here's important information for you.
> 	Avoid the loss of your time, effort, and money in building up the goodwill
> and reputation of a name.  Avoid potential infringement lawsuits.  Before you
> proceed any further, you should know the trademark and service mark usage of
> that name.  
> 	Now, at very low cost, you can quickly learn all Federal, State and Common
> Law usage's of any name you select.  You'll know who, if anyone, is using the
> name and whether their usage covers your particular product or service.
>  You'll even know their first usage date, filing date, and recording date.
> 	Don't delay- act now to protect your interests. As you know, Microsoft is
> having trademark problems with the name "Windows".  Even tiny Ray's in New
> York City, has seen its name used on so many pizza parlors that no one is
> sure just who is the "Original Ray's".  Don't let this happen to you.  Be
> prepared.
> 	The cost for the complete Federal, State, and Common Law usage report is
> only, $99.00 for the first two names searched. The cost is only $25.00 for
> each additional name, searched at the same time.
>                    For Fastest Service, we accept: 
>               Visa, Mastercard, and American Express	
>      For further information, contact The Trademark Group at:
>                   Please don't wait until it's too late.
>                                 Thank You!

From Mon Oct 24 02:02:11 1994