Subject: Status Report From: Rex Ballard Date: March 20, 1995
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Status Report
From: Rex Ballard
Date: March 20, 1995
Project: MarketScope Support - Est - Act 10 Week 10
* Daily System and Batch Job checks. 2
* News Machine problems (DLPU15, NEWS04). 2
* Problems with Client Feed to Prudential. 2
* Problems with Client Feed to Dean Witter. 2
* Problems with Client Feed to Bonneville. 2
* 2 Seg. Stat Tape for Prudential. 3
* Lotus Update Problems. 2
* Problems with EPCFRP END-OF-DAY Procedure
Project: Telerate/Canadian MKS - Est 36 Act 36 Week 6
Phil supported Leslie in developing and porting an upgrade
to the MarketScope Text Page Formatter. Phil developed an
automatic version of the Text Page Formatter.
Project: Market Scope - Est 40 Act 16 Week 10
Shauna Morrison has planned to use test pages (69,76,77) for
production. The following customers have been notified:
ADP 3/13 Bob Smarden
ARTS 3/15 Bill Boeker
OLDE 3/13 Tony Michewicz
Bonneville 3/13 Vige
ILX Systems 3/14 Faiza Kamal
Prudential 3/14 Morris Brown
Quotron 3/14 Bill Leiby
The following customers still need to be notified:
BETA Systems
E.D. Jones
I.L.X. Systems
Morgan Stanly
Piper Jaffry
Reuter's (Toronto)
Dean Whitter
Smith Barnay Shearson
Telerate Canada
Track Data
Reuters (XCI)
Project: Enhanced Stock Reports - Est 40 Act 2 Week 2
Distribution rules need to be ironed out between the analysis
and editorial groups. George Knapp will be working this out.
We need formal specifications of PDF from ADOBE. There are
appearantly binary characters in the content and we need to
determine what will be needed to distribute this feature.
Project: MAID Stock Reports - Est 40 Act 6 Week 6
FEED_DRIVER54 continued to have problems sending data.
Currently Phil and Rex are working with with Carl Midson of
M.A.I.D. and Angela Vincent of S&P ComStock to allow the Feed
Driver for M.A.I.D. to connect to MCGRAWNET instead of
TYMNET. They are working on connecting through their
Frame Relay network.
Project: First Boston - Est 20 Act 8 Week 8
Phil is working with First Boston. They are receiving
stories, but they are not parsing them correctly.
Project: SNA (3270) Feeds - Est 40 Act 24 Week 19
Updated Feed Driver/Transmitter programs and began testing the
3270 version with PSI. There are still problems initializing
the Andrew Box.
Project: Composite feed profiles - Est 60 Act 8 Week 8
We need to define a mechanism for defining and associating
profiles for PDF and Postscript. We need formal specifications
of PDF from ADOBE. They have been requested from George
Knapp. George was not able to provide them. Rex is analysing
the existing postscript formatter code to determine feasability.
Project: Encryption - Est 40 Act 10 Week 8
Rex prepared documents to discuss encryption and security
issues for TCP/IP and internet distribution. He needs
a graphics editor and presentation quality word processor
for some of the work. The PC is on order. In addition,
Rex will need access to the Internet to Retrieve current
Project: General Administrative - Est - Act 14 Week 14
Phil met with Rex to discuss project status
Rex met with Tom to discuss projects, plans, and priorities.
Projects On Hold:
Project: Daily News Electronic Feed
* EPSDSP still has "Invalid Value Block" messages.
* Changes need to be made to the distribution to
allow use of VMS system locks.
* I have not heard from Morgan Stanley re: X.25 testing.
* There is now 1 Microcom 3270 Protocol Converter (formerly
used by Quick America) available as a HOT spare.
New Customers & Upgrades:
Company Name Product Name Format Transmission Notes
Compuserve Stock Reports PDF TCP/IP line installed, router to be configured by March 23
Wall St. by Fax Stock Reports PDF,PS TCP/IP line installed, router to be configured by March 20
M.A.I.D. Stock Reports PDF X.25 Currently testing feed via Timenet. Last contact
March 20.
Sandpoint Stock Reports PDF X.25 Conversion for page-based marketscop to MarketScope
via generic feed. Using existing X.25 cricuit.
Paine Webber MarketScope Tape Sample tapes provided. Now discussing TCP/IP.
Stock Reports PS
ILX Systems MarketScope text 3270>X.25 Conversion to X.25. Line installed; waiting for application testing.
Morgan Stanley Marketscope text 3270>TCP/IP Conversion to TCP/IP being discussed.
They are working with ISS. Will follow up next week.
CS First Boston Stock Reports text X.25 Application testing Continues.
Bear Stearns Stock Reports text Discussions in progress re:feed requirements.
Royal Alliance MarketScope text X.25 Discussions in progress. Three phase migration, depending on market.
UBIQ MarketScope text Architecture being firmed up. Delivery to News Machine at UBIQ.
Prudential MarketScopeACE text Sent test tapes.
Quick America MarketScope Decommissioned at Walt Arvin's request.
To: Tom Gerhard