Subject: Status Report From: Rex Ballard Date: April 3, 1995
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Status Report From: Rex Ballard Date: April 3, 1995


Project: MarketScope Support -		Est -	Act 10 Week 10 - Ongoing
	*	Daily System and Batch Job checks.		2
	*	News Machine problems (DLPU15, NEWS04).		2

Project: Telerate/Canadian MKS -	Est 36	Act 36	Week 6 -Complete
	Phil supported Leslie in developing and porting an upgrade
	to the MarketScope Text Page Formatter.  Phil developed an
	automatic version of the Text Page Formatter.

Project: Market Scope -			Est 40	Act 38	Week 20 - Complete
	Shauna Morrison has planned to use test pages (69,76,77) for
	production.  All effected customers have been notified:
	Phil helped Shauna with last minute production issues.

Project: MAID Stock Reports -		Est 40	Act 20	Week 14
	FEED_DRIVER54 is now sending data successfully.
	Currently Rex are working with with Carl Midson of
	M.A.I.D. and Ben Novack and Mike Locke to allow the Feed
	Driver for M.A.I.D.  to connect through Compuserve/IP instead of
	TYMNET/X.25.  They are working on connecting through their
	Frame Relay network.

Project: First Boston -			Est 40	Act 35	Week 27 - Complete
	Phil continued working with First Boston.  They are receiving
	stories, they are now parsing them correctly.

Project: Prudential Test Tapes -	Est 30	Act 30	Week 25 - Complete
	Rex created stock report tapes for Prudential.  This was an opportunity
	to train Rex in Marketscope/Stock Reports logistics.

Project: SNA (3270) Feeds -		Est 40	Act 34	Week 10 - Complete
	Updated Feed Driver/Transmitter programs and began testing the
	3270 version with PSI.  Now Working.

Project: Composite feed profiles -	Est 60	Act 20	Week 12  
	We need to define a mechanism for defining and associating
	profiles for PDF and Postscript.  We need formal specifications
	of PDF from ADOBE.  They have been requested from George
	Knapp.  George was not able to provide them.  Rex is analysing
	the existing postscript formatter code to determine feasability.
	A prelminary draft for postscript was reviewed by Tom Gerhard.

Project: Encryption -			Est 40	Act 12	Week 2
	The PC is on order.  Rex will need access to the Internet Via
	Mosaic or Netscape to retrieve current documents.

Project: Enhanced Stock Reports -	Est 40	Act 2	Week 2
	Distribution rules need to be ironed out between the analysis
	and editorial groups.  George Knapp will be working this out.
	We need formal specifications of PDF from ADOBE.  There are
	appearantly binary characters in the content and we need to
	determine what will be needed to distribute this feature.  Since
	we will only be distributing via TCP/IP and X.25/HDLC, there should
	be no special requirement other than flagging the output as being

Project: General Administrative -	Est -	Act 5	Week 5 - ongoing
	Phil met with Rex to discuss project status
	Rex met with Tom to discuss projects, plans, and priorities.
	Rex attended Project Manager Training Class (4/4)

Projects On Hold:

Project: Daily News Electronic Feed

	*	EPSDSP still has "Invalid Value Block" messages.

	*	Changes need to be made to the distribution to
			   allow use of VMS system locks.


	 *	I have not heard from Morgan Stanley re: X.25 testing.

	 *	There is now 1 Microcom 3270 Protocol Converter (formerly
		  used by Quick America) available as a HOT spare.

New Customers & Upgrades:
Company Name	Product Name	Format	Transmission	Notes
Compuserve	Stock Reports	PDF	TCP/IP		line installed, ready to begin testing (April 4)
Wall St. by Fax	Stock Reports	PDF,PS	TCP/IP		line installed, router to be configured by March 20
M.A.I.D.	Stock Reports	PDF	X.25		Currently testing feed via Timenet. Last contact
							March 20.
Sandpoint	Stock Reports	PDF	X.25		Conversion for page-based marketscop to MarketScope
							via generic feed.  Using existing X.25 cricuit.
Paine Webber	MarketScope		Tape		Sample tapes provided.  Now discussing TCP/IP.
		Stock Reports	PS
ILX Systems	MarketScope	text	3270>X.25	Conversion to X.25. Line installed; waiting for application testing.
Morgan Stanley	Marketscope	text	3270>TCP/IP	Conversion to TCP/IP being discussed.
							They are working with ISS. Will follow up next week.
CS First Boston	Stock Reports	text	X.25		Application testing Continues.
Bear Stearns	Stock Reports	text			Discussions in progress re:feed requirements.
Royal Alliance	MarketScope	text	X.25		Discussions in progress.  Three phase migration, depending on market.
UBIQ		MarketScope	text			Architecture being firmed up.  Delivery to News Machine at UBIQ.
Prudential	MarketScopeACE	text			Sent test tapes.
GreyFire	Stock Reports	PS	X.25		Into Sparcstation.  Should be ready by April 14.
Quick America	MarketScope				Decommissioned at Walt Arvin's request.

To:	Tom Gerhard