Subject: re: AOL in the newsroom From: (H. Buff Herr) Date: Mon, 22 May 1995 21:21:15 -0400
How the Web Was Won
Subject: re: AOL in the newsroom From: (H. Buff Herr) Date: Mon, 22 May 1995 21:21:15 -0400
Precedence: bulk
Status: RO

When Ric posted this item last week - I thought it so crazy that it would
die a quick death - but I continue to see postings  - I have resurected my
original note -

>>>You've got to be kidding - Do FIVE (5) reporters share each computer
>>>terminal - that would save a few bucks - also  - of all the services -
>>>with internet access - AOL is the most expensive - there are alot of
>>>solutions - but the one thing to remember is the words of Milton
>>>Friedman - Ace US economist - "Nothing is expensive - its all relative"

AOL - Prodigy - maybe not so much with Compuserve - are all intended for
what one of my clients and I call "three clicks stupid" performance - AOL -
at least to my mind - was never targeted to professionals - it was for home
owners who could not load even a two step application - point and click -

I am not saying that to be professional you have to go through a high
degree of pain and suffering - but the professional solutions are easily
accessible -

if you want to get a "rip and read" the AOL is for you - you can edit the
edit - if you want to produce a comic book - then Prodigy is for you -

if you want to produce a professional product with professional information
- dare we call it RAW  data - that has not been through the sieve of
mediocrity - then get your MIS dept to get you online - with email - et al
- through the net or  - if the the prospect of completing the project has a
longer time line than the project itself - with what I call "back channel"
solutions -

communication is key - that what this whole thing is about -


H. Buff Herr                            An Eclectic Consultancy
PROJECTS                                Using Computers
212.595.4783 V 212.580.3789 F           As The Tool                        For Communications

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