Subject: Re: Spyglass/NCSA agreement From: Joe Shea Date: Mon, 1 May 1995 02:33:33 -0700 (PDT)
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: Spyglass/NCSA agreement From: Joe Shea Date: Mon, 1 May 1995 02:33:33 -0700 (PDT)
To: Nate Zelnick 
Cc: Jeremy Allaire ,
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	This agreement doesn't seem like a "farce" at all, to me.  
Instead of abandoning everyone with Mosaic to a future of obsolete 
features, it provides for steady development of both free and commercial 
versions.  There's no better option, IMHO.

Joe Shea


On Sun, 30 Apr 1995, Nate Zelnick wrote:

> Jeremy Allaire  wrote:
> > Here's the gist of the agreement.  Taken from the original press release:
> > 
> > 
> > NCSA will continue to offer a public-with-copyright version of Mosaic over 
>   the Internet,
> > which individuals can download for free. As part of its agreement with
>    NCSA, Spyglass will
>                 ^^^^^^^^^^^
> > provide a number of its improvements to NCSA for incorporation
>    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 
>   back into the
>   ^^^^^^^^^^
> > public-with-copyright version. "
>    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> > 
> Yow! Now I remember it clearly.  I asked Spyglass about this when I 
> wrote my original stories back in September--They said it was a one 
> way filter if I remember correctly, because NCSA was going to go off 
> and do its own bleeding edge stuff.  Spyglass expected to raise the 
> technology bar, license the improved version out to the big boys 
> (and girls) at DEC, IBM, AT&T, Microsoft et al. , and then gradually
> the enhancements by Spyglass and its licensees would drift back into
> the NCSA version, so it would never be too far behind and cripple the
> interoperability of the Web.  Indeed, it's a farce.
> Nate Zelnick                
> Information & Interactive Services Report v. 609-397-8990
> Report on Electronic Commerce             f. 609-397-8993
> Multimedia Daily       URL

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