Subject: calling me From: "David M. Oliver" Date: Sat, 13 May 1995 11:02:39 +0001 (MDT)
How the Web Was Won
Subject: calling me From: "David M. Oliver" Date: Sat, 13 May 1995 11:02:39 +0001 (MDT)
To: Rex Ballard 
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
Status: RO

On Thu, 11 May 1995, Rex Ballard wrote:

> I am very interested in talking with you under non-disclosures.  S&P is
> interested.  Please call 212-208-8824, on Friday.

	Hello, Rex.

	I am over here in Berlin now (thru July 13), hosted by a German
	research team.  I am not able to make out-going phone calls from

	Could you please call our President, Bill Densmore, in Williamstown
	MA.  His phone is:

			413 458 8001

	He can get you all the NDA stuff you need, and can provide you
	with lots of our info-requiring-NDA.  If you need more technical
	stuff after that you can chat with me via email once I get word
	you've signed the NDA form.


dave o

+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +
| David M. Oliver | UMass/GANG Technical Director | |
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +
| Technische Universitaet Berlin                                          |
| SFB 288, MA 8-5                                 phone: +49 30 314 25892 |
| Strasse des 17 Juni 136                         fax  : +49 30 314 21577 |
| 10623 Berlin Germany             email: |
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +

From bill@Newshare.COM Thu May 11 21:40:14 1995
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