Subject: How to get the SATAN software??? From: (Morten Kristensen) Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 11:01:31 +0200
How the Web Was Won
Subject: How to get the SATAN software??? From: (Morten Kristensen) Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 11:01:31 +0200

How can I get the SATAN software ??
I have search for it everyvere and i can't find it..

Morten Kristensen
 Morten Kristensen                           E-mail:
 Mech engineer, Probe dept.                   Phone:          +47 33 04 21 32
 Vingmed Sound A/S                              Fax:          +47 33 04 56 86
 PO Box 141, N-3191 HORTEN, Norway       Home Phone:          +47 33 36 88 81

Hi folks,

not to help cracking, but just to allow webmasters in securing their 

Here you go:

where you can start from

Anyhow, read this:

"What is SATAN?
SATAN is the Security Analysis Tool for Auditing Networks. In its simplest (and default) mode, it gathers as
much information about remote hosts and networks as possible by examining such network services as finger,
NFS, NIS, ftp and tftp, rexd, and other services. The information gathered includes the presence of various
network information services as well as potential security flaws -- usually in the form of incorrectly setup or
configured network services, well-known bugs in system or network utilities, or poor or ignorant policy
decisions. It can then either report on this data or use a simple rule-based system to investigate any potential
security problems. Users can then examine, query, and analyze the output with an HTML browser, such as
Mosaic, Netscape, or Lynx. While the program is primarily geared towards analyzing the security implications
of the results, a great deal of general network information can be gained when using the tool - network
topology, network services running, types of hardware and software being used on the network, etc. 

However, the real power of SATAN comes into play when used in exploratory mode. Based on the initial data
collection and a user configurable ruleset, it will examine the avenues of trust and dependency and iterate
further data collection runs over secondary hosts. This not only allows the user to analyze her or his own
network or hosts, but also to examine the real implications inherent in network trust and services and help them
make reasonably educated decisions about the security level of the systems involved. 

Who should use SATAN?
SATAN should prove to be most useful when used by the system or security administrators who own or are
responsible for the security of the systems involved. However, since it is freely available and will probably see
widespread use throughout the Internet community, it should be used by anyone who is concerned about the
security of their systems, since potential intruders will be able to access the same security vulnerability
information and since it is quite likely that it will uncover security problems that were previously unknown. 

How does it work?
SATAN has a target acquisition program that uses fping to determine whether or not a host or set of hosts in a
subnet are alive. It then passes this target list to an engine that drives the data collection and the main feedback
loop. Each host is examined to see if it has been seen before, and, if not, a list of tests/probes is run against it
(the set of tests depends on the distance the host is from the initial target and what probe level has been set.)
The tests emit a data record that has the hostname, the test run, and any results found from the probe; this data
is saved in files for analysis. The user interface uses HTML to link the often vast amounts of data to more
coherent and palatable results that the user can readily digest and 

More from Dan Farmer's home page


Tool for

Here are some of the more commonly asked questions; please read this carefully! If your question is answered
here, we probably won't reply to mail from you ourselves. If you ask a question once and don't get a response,
simply ask us again with something in the subject line that indicates this is a repeat question that isn't answered
here (something like "REPEAT: question about foo..." 

     perl5 is available via anonymous ftp from 
     SATAN won't run on a PC or Mac, unless you're running some version of unix. is bundled with perl5; if you've installed that, you should have it - look for it in the library
     DEC/Ultrix apparently doesn't have "rpcgen". You'll need to run it on another machine and drag the
     resulting source code over (we'll figure out something else soon for a more permanent solution.) 
     SATAN alternet configuration files are broken. Sorry ;-( 
     Merging databases are *only* in memory. Currently there is no way to do this in the GUI. 
     SATAN needs to be run as root to run some programs/probes that require root access. Examining the
     documentation or running reports on already collected data can be done by any user. 

General Information
SATAN was written because we realized that computer systems are becoming more and more dependent on the
network, and at the same becoming more and more vulnerable to attack via that same network. 

The rationale for SATAN is given in a paper posted in december 1993
(, flat text compressed with the UNIX compress

SATAN is a tool to help systems administrators. It recognizes several common networking-related security
problems, and reports the problems without actually exploiting them. 

For each type or problem found, SATAN offers a tutorial that explains the problem and what its impact could
be. The tutorial also explains what can be done about the problem: correct an error in a configuration file,
install a bugfix from the vendor, use other means to restrict access, or simply disable service. 

SATAN collects information that is available to everyone on with access to the network. With a
properly-configured firewall in place, that should be near-zero information for outsiders. 

We have done some limited research with SATAN. Our finding is that on networks with more than a few dozen
systems, SATAN will inevitably find problems. Here's the current problem list: 

     NFS file systems exported to arbitrary hosts 
     NFS file systems exported to unprivileged programs 
     NFS file systems exported via the portmapper 
     NIS password file access from arbitrary hosts 
     Old (i.e. before 8.6.10) sendmail versions 
     REXD access from arbitrary hosts 
     X server access control disabled 
     arbitrary files accessible via TFTP 
     remote shell access from arbitrary hosts 
     writable anonymous FTP home directory 

These are well-known problems. They have been subject of CERT, CIAC, or other advisories, or are described
extensively in practical security handbooks. The problems have been exploited by the intruder community for a
long time. 

We realize that SATAN is a two-edged sword - like many tools, it can be used for good and for evil purposes.
We also realize that intruders (including wannabees) have much more capable (read intrusive) tools than
offered with SATAN. We have those tools, too, but giving them away to the world at large is not the goal of the
SATAN project. 

FTP sites
The official primary FTP site is: 

The official mirror sites, which may have less of a load, are: 

     Hewlett-Packard Advisory 
     SAGE Advisory 
     Silicon Graphics Inc. Advisory 
     Sun Microsystems Advisory 

Muffy Barkocy (
Last updated: April 6, 1995 "
"Architecture Overview 

SATAN has an extensible architecture. At the center is a relatively small generic kernel that knows little to
nothing about system types, network service names, vulnerabilities, or other details. Knowledge about the
details of network services, system types, etc. is built into small, dedicated, data collection tools and rule
bases. The behaviour of SATAN is controlled from a configuration file. Settings may be overruled via
command-line options of via a hypertext user interface. 

The SATAN kernel consists of the following main parts: 

Magic cookie generator
     Each time SATAN is started up in interactive mode, the magic cookie generator generates a
     pseudorandom string that the HTML browser must send to the SATAN custom http server as part of all

Policy engine. 
     Given the constraints specified in the SATAN configuration file, this subsystem determines whether a
     host may be scanned, and what scanning level is appropriate for that host. 

Target acquisition. 
     Given a list of target hosts, this SATAN subsystem generates a list of probes to be run on those hosts.
     The list of probes serves as input to the data acquisition subsystem. The target acquisition module also
     keeps track of a host's proximity level, and handles the so-called subnet expansions. 

Data acquisition. 
     Given a list of probes, this SATAN subsystem runs the corresponding data collection tools and generates
     new facts. These facts serve as input to the inference engine. 

Inference engine. 
     Given a list of facts, this subsystem generates new target hosts, new probes, and new facts. New target
     hosts serve as input to the target acquisition subsystem; new probes are handled by the data acquisition
     subsystem, and new facts are processed by the inference engine. 

Report and analysis. 
     This subsystem takes the collected data and builds a virtual hyperspace that you can explore with your
     favourite HTML browser. 

Once SATAN is given an initial target host, the target acquisition, data acquisition and inference engine
subsystems keep feeding each other new data until nothing new comes up. Technically speaking, the system
does a breadth-first search. 

Magic cookie generator

When you start SATAN in interactive mode, i.e., using the HTML user interface, SATAN performs the
following actions before starting up the HTML browser: 

     Start the SATAN httpd daemon. This is a very limited subset of the typical httpd daemon, sufficient to
     support all activities that SATAN can perform. 

     Generate a (hopefully "good") 32 byte cryptographic magic cookie for the upcoming SATAN run. SATAN
     runs several system utilities in parallel and compresses their quasi-random output with the MD5 hashing
     function. The HTML browser must specify this magic cookie as part of the URLs that it sends to the
     custom SATAN httpd daemon. If this key is ever compromised, intruders could potentially execute any
     programs that the SATAN program can run, with the same privileges as the user that started the SATAN
     program. SATAN generates a new magic cookie for each session. SATAN and the HTML browser always
     run on the same host, so there is no need to send the magic cookie over the network. 

     Read in any previously collected scan data. By default, SATAN will read data in the $satan_data
     database. In the mean time HTML browser comes up, but it will not be ale to communicate with SATAN
     until the database has been read in. This can take anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes,
     depending on the size of the database, the speed of the machine you're using to run SATAN on, the
     amount of available RAM, etc. 

Policy engine

The policy engine controls what hosts SATAN may probe. The probing intensity depends on the host's
proximity level, which is basically a measure for the distance from the initial target host(s). Probing intensities
and probing constraints are specified in the configuration file. This file can direct SATAN to stay within certain
internet domains, or to stay away from specific internet domains. 

Proximity levels 

While SATAN gathers information from the so-called primary target(s) that you specified, the program may
learn about the existence of other hosts. Examples of such non-primary systems are: 

     hosts found in remote login information from the finger service, 
     hosts that import file systems from the target, according to the showmount command. 

For each host, SATAN maintains a proximity count. The proximity of a primary host is zero; for hosts that
SATAN finds while probing a primary host, the proximity is one, and so on. By default, SATAN stays away
from hosts with non-zero proximity, but you can override this policy by editing the configuration file, via
command-line switches, or from the hypertext user interface. 

Target acquisition

SATAN can gather data about just one host, or it can gather data about all hosts within a subnet (a block of 256
adjacent network addresses). The latter process is called a subnet scan . Target hosts may be specified by the
user, or may be generated by the inference engine when it processes facts that were generated by the data
acquisition module. 

Once a list of targets is available, the target acquisition module generates a list of probes, according to the
scanning level derived by the policy engine. The actual data collection is done under control of the data
acquisition module. 

Subnet scan

When requested to scan all hosts in a subnet (a block of 256 internet addresses), SATAN uses the fping utility
to find out what hosts in that subnet actually are available. This is to avoid wasting time talking to hosts that no
longer exist or that happen to be down at the time of the measurement. The fping scan also may discover
unregistered systems that have been attached to the network without permission from the network

Data acquisition

The data acquisition engine takes a list of probes and executes each probe, after it has verified that the probe
may be run at the target's scanning level. What tool may be run at a given scanning level is specified in the
configuration file. The software keeps a record of what probes it has already executed, to avoid doing
unnecessary work. The result of data acquisition is a list of new facts that is processed by the inference engine.

SATAN comes with a multitude of little tools. Each tool implements one type of network probe. By
convention, the name of a data collection tool ends in .satan. Often these tools are just a few lines of PERL or
shell script language. All tools produce output according to the same common tool record format. SATAN
derives a great deal of power from this toolbox approach. When a new network feature becomes of interest, it
is relatively easy to add your own probe. 

Scanning levels

SATAN can probe hosts at various levels of intensity. The scanning level is controlled with the configuration
file, but can be overruled with command-line switches or via the graphical user interface. 

     This is the least intrusive scan. SATAN collects information from the DNS (Domain Name System), tries
     to establish what RPC (Remote Procedure Call) services the host offers, and what file systems it shares
     via the network. With this information, SATAN finds out the general character of a host (file server,
     diskless workstation). 

normal (includes light scan probes) 
     At this level, SATAN probes for the presence of common network services such as finger, remote login,
     ftp, WWW, Gopher, email and a few others. With this information, SATAN establishes the operating
     system type and, where possible, the software release version. 

heavy (includes normal scan probes) 
     After it has found out what services the target offers, SATAN looks at them in more depth, and does a
     more exhaustive scan for network services offered by the target. At this scanning level SATAN finds out
     if the anonymous FTP directory is writable, if the X Windows server has its access control disabled, if
     there is a wildcard in the /etc/hosts.equiv file, and so on. 

The fourth level, breaking into systems, has not been implemented. 

At each level SATAN may discover that critical access controls are missing or defective, or that the host is
running a particular software version that is known to have problems. SATAN takes a conservative approach and
does not exploit the problem. 

Inference engine

The heart of SATAN is a collection of little inference engines. Each engine is controlled by its own rule base.
The rules are applied in real time, while data is being collected. The result of these inferences are lists of new
facts for the inference engine, new probes for the data acquisition engine, or new targets for the target
acquisition engine. 

     Rules that decide what probe to perform next. For example, when the target host offers the FTP service,
     and when the target is being scanned at a sufficient level, SATAN will attempt to determine if the host
     runs anonymous FTP, and if the FTP home directory is writable for anonymous users. 

     Rules that deduce the system class (example: DEC HP SUN) and, where possible, the operating system
     release version, from telnet, ftp and other banners. 

     Rules that deduce potential vulnerabilities. For example, several versions of the FTP or sendmail
     daemons are known to have problems. Daemon versions can be recognized by their greeting banners. 

     Rules that translate cryptic daemon banners and/or network port numbers to more user-friendly names
     such as WWW server, or diskless NFS client. 

     Like the services rules, these rules help SATAN to classify the data that was collected by the tools on
     NFS service, DNS, NIS, and other cases of trust. 

     What data-collection tool output SATAN should ignore. This can be used to shut up SATAN about things
     that you do not care about. Implemented by the module. 

Application of these rules in real time, to each tool output record, and within the context of all information that
has been collected sofar, offers an amazing potential that we are only beginning to understand. 

Report and Analysis

When SATAN scans a network with hundreds or thousands of hosts, it can collect a tremendous amount of
information. As we have found, it does not make much sense to simply present all that information as huge
tables. You need the power of hypertext technology, combined with some unusual implementation techniques
to generate a dynamic hyperspace on the fly. 

With a minimal amount of effort (at least, by you; your computer may disagree), SATAN allows you to navigate
though your networks. You can break down the information according to: 

     Domain or subnet, 
     Network service, 
     System type or operating system release, 
     Trust relationships, 
     Vulnerability type, danger level, or count. 

Breakdowns by combinations of these properties are also possible. SATAN's reporting capabilities makes it
relatively easy to find out, for example: 

     What subnets have diskless workstations, 
     What hosts offer anonymous FTP, 
     Who runs Linux or FreeBSD on their PC, 
     What unregistered (no DNS hostname) hosts are attached to your network. 

Questions like these can be answered with only a few mouse clicks. Printing a report is a matter of pressing the
print button of your favourite hypertext viewer."

All that to be REAL TIME USEFUL FOR FREE to all colleagues.
More infos on request


Sergio Dall'Omo
new media & new techs editor

via Torino 110,
30172 Mestre (Venice)
voice 0039,41,665409
fax 0039,41,665389

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