Subject: Paperless wire packages From: "Doug Heimburger" Date: Fri, 14 Apr 1995 19:43:56 -0400
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Paperless wire packages From: "Doug Heimburger" Date: Fri, 14 Apr 1995 19:43:56 -0400
Priority: normal
X-Mailer: Pegasus Mail/Windows (v1.22)
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This may be a bit off topic, but...

The radio station I work for (non-com, school-run) is currently 
working on going paperless.  I have been asked to draft a proposal 
for a networked solution and a non-networked solution.  We're going 
to have a maximum of four computers on the network, with more 
(hopefully) to come.  We're currently an AP subscriber, but that may 
change, so we need a flexible solution.

A few questions for those who are paperless:

1) For lan users - are you using Windows NT or Novell as your server 
   (or other associated server product)? 
   Does the program you are using fit your needs?

2) What paperless program are you using?  Do you like its ease of 
   use?  Does it run under Windows or DOS? (I'm especially looking 
   for a Windows based solution).  Also, how customizable is it (can 
   I have certain classes auto-print)?  Finally, how easy is it to cut 
   and paste to create a complete newscast?

3) What did you find to be the best place for the news system?  Is it 
   in the studio by the board or in another room (i.e. - print and read 
   or read from the screen)?

4) What is the cost of the paperless program you are using?  Is it 
   per computer or per site?  Are you buying or renting?

ALSO - Does anyone know of any paperless programs that provide
   network capability without a server (using Windows for
   Workgroups, etc.)?

Thanks to all for your response.  Please e-mail it directly to me as 
not to clutter the list.  I'll be happy to post a summary if there's 
demand (e-mail me if you want the summary posted).

   Douglas Heimburger     (preferred)    
   Chesapeake, Virginia   

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