Subject: Web/HTML customers From: Rex Ballard Date: Thu Aug 31 10:22:16 EDT 1995
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Web/HTML customers From: Rex Ballard Date: Thu Aug 31 10:22:16 EDT 1995


Below are some cutomers who would be interested in either an HTML feed
or an SGML feed with an SGML to HTML conversion package:

todo:   Josh Becker - Earth-Web - New York Stock Exchange - 202-667-7048
info:   Personal Web - fax 202-667-7055
info:   Also (NYC) 212-880-6414

Done:   Joan Shaper, Scott Levine meet with Morgan Tues July 25
info:   Notes - Will sample CD-ROM product to generate a wider demand
info:   would also like a Lotus Notes or Web interface.  Sandpoint
info:   committed to deliverable Notes server by Sept 1.  We could do
info:   BSDI or SCO Netscape server (PDF Stock Reports only)
info:   (Would be our Prototype with index built from headers).

cust:Wed Sep  6 10:56:40 EDT 1995:Tabula Interactive (investtools):Laird
Fouche:415-833-0350x11:Internet/Stock Reports

cust:   Datatimes, Okla City.  405-749-2712
phone:  Datatimes:John McCurry:405-749-2712
phone   Robert Hutchison
phone   X.25 into Sun SparcServer 2000s - 1000s for production.
phone   TCP/IP into Sun SparcServer 2000s - 1000s for production.
info:   3rd party provider to Internet.

InfoSeek - See Sherry Sloan.

Rueters -

Knight-Ridder - 

I will leave it up to you and Walt what the impact of an S&P directly
accessible internet server would have on these Web Site providers.

Vic Parekh is a web master at Hudsonet, he was hired to help set up an
S&P/EIS web server.

	Rex Ballard

To: Neil Bhaskar