Subject: Newshare &InfoSeek From: Date: Wed, 31 May 95 17:07:50 EST
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Newshare &InfoSeek
Date: Wed, 31 May 95 17:07:50 EST
Text item: Newshare &InfoSeek
Rex Ballard,Tom Gerhard and I met with Newshare today. They want to
offer our content to a broad base of users via the Internet. The
advantage to S&P is that we will not need to register each user. They
offer ClickShare software for user authentication and billing
transactions. Newshare's focus is on the consumer marketplace; they are
seeking low $ value, large hits across multiple news services. Bill
Densmore promotes the firm as the "First News Brokerage" Service. He
wants to promote various magazines and news services that users can
hyper-link to. (Let's discuss...).
They are offering their server software free; but are charging a $1,000
publishing membership fee- which can be deducted from the generation of
royalties once the service is launched. We briefly discussed pricing- per
page. He will be getting back to us shortly to resume this discussion.
Their server software will be ready August 1st.
Anne Scalapino from InfoSeek has sent Pam Stein some background
information, which I now have. They are providing an on-line service that
allows Internet users to query data from many different sources through a
non-proprietary front-end query tool. They are interested in adding some
S&P databases to their available sources: (Compustat Corporate Text,
MarketScope, MarketScope News, Com-Stock, and Investment Information
Services including Stock Reports, Corporate Descriptions plus News,
Research Reports, and Electronic Prospectus). I received a preliminary
Distribution agreement. Their home page is: http//
They are currently delivering search requests for nearly 500,000 people
per day.
They currently have licensed content on their service from:
Associated press, Reuters, PR Newswire, Business Wire, Newsbytes
IAC Computer Select/Computer Database Plus
Leading computer magazines including InfoWorld, Computer World and 15
Book, movie and video reviews from Kirkus, Cineman, etc.
Company profiles from Reference Press
Medical data from Medical Data Exchange
Chemical Abstracts
They have the world's largest Usenet News index and the largest index of
WWW pages.
Tom G and Rex B, what is your availability this week to meet with one of
their tech reps?
Walt, I will give you a hard copy of the preliminary redistribution
We also need to look into MultiMedia, Copy Write Clearance Center, First
Virtual, DigiCash...
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