Subject: Re: X.25 ckt needed for Grayfire, Stamford, CT From: Tom Gerhard Date: Mon, 15 May 95 09:40:41 EST
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Re: X.25 ckt needed for Grayfire, Stamford, CT From: Tom Gerhard Date: Mon, 15 May 95 09:40:41 EST

Text item: Re: X.25 ckt needed for Grayfire, Stamford, CT

cc: Ron Oliver
  Scott Levine
  Eric Smith

>The 56K circuit cost is $646.82. The 128K circuit cost is $1,947.95. Since
a T1 access line is required for the 128K circuit, the incremental cost to
go above that speed is much smaller than the delta between 56 and 128.

>Let me know if you have any further questions or wish to order the service.

We'd like to go ahead with the 56K circuit.

The bills should be sent to:
  Ron Oliver
  Information/Database Services/18th floor
  Standard & Poor's
  25 Broadway
  New York, NY 10004
Please include "Grayfire" somewhere on the bill if possible.

  Our end will connect to our network at 25 Broadway, 19th floor, TSG
  computer room.
The telco installation contact is Sal Giaimo, 208-1862.
When the telco is finished, Sal will (hopefully) notify Eric Smith
who will connect it to our X.25 port.

  The customer is:
       Mr. Peter Desisto
       3 Landmark Square
       Suite 403
       4th floor
       Stamford, CT  06901
       203-323-4400 (Voice)
       203-232-4368 (FAX)

Received: from ( []) by (8.6.10/8.6.10) with SMTP id OAA01705 for ; Mon, 15 May 1995 14:11:38 -0400