Subject: Access Provider to Terminate Washington Customers From: (Terence L. Day) Date: Thu, 27 Apr 1995 10:02:01 -0700
How the Web Was Won
Subject: Access Provider to Terminate Washington Customers From: (Terence L. Day) Date: Thu, 27 Apr 1995 10:02:01 -0700
Precedence: bulk
Status: RO

FirstStep Research, local Internet access provider for Moscow, Idaho, and
Pullman, Washington, has notified all Washington resident customers that it
will be compelled to terminate their accounts if Gov. Lowry signs SB 5466,
which imposes draconian penalties against anyone who even unknowingly allows
anyone under age 18 to access filthy communications.

I understand this company had been planning to expand to become the local
provider for the larger markets of Lewiston, Idaho, and Clarkston, Washington.

As a freelance newspaper columnist (for the Salt Lake Tribune and Tri-City
[Wash.] Herald) I use the Internet to find story ideas, to conduct complete
interviews, and to transmit my column to my papers.

If FirstStep has to cut me off, along with all other Washington residents, I
will be significantly harmed.  AOL and other major access providers offer
only second- or third-class service to Pullman.  AOL's 2400 baud line won't
hold up to WWW demands and their pricing structure would prohibit me from
filtering the high volume of mail essential for me to keep my fingers on the
genealogical world.  (My column is about genealogy.)

Just thought you folks should know that the threat of censorship is real.
Very real and very scary!

The Gov. has only a couple of weeks left to decide whether to sign this
bill, and he faces the challenge of standing up to censors in the very
weakened position of having been accused of sexual harrassment.  As you can
imagine, all hell will break loose if he doesn't sign this legislation.

Any support you in the CyberWorld can give would be appreciated.

               We pardon to the extent that we love.
                           --La Rochefoucauld
Terence L. Day, 509/335-2806 (Office voice), 509/335-2863 (Office fax),
509/334-1619 (Home).  SE 635 Steptoe St., Pullman, WA 99163
Internet:   or 

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