Subject: html 2.0 vs. netscape 1.1 vs. lynx vs. the next standard From: Dan Hontz Date: Sat, 29 Apr 1995 03:10:53 -0500
How the Web Was Won
Subject: html 2.0 vs. netscape 1.1 vs. lynx vs. the next standard
From: Dan Hontz
Date: Sat, 29 Apr 1995 03:10:53 -0500
Every time I see the "you fool, you're using Netscape extensions" vs. "the
you fool, you're not using the latest technology" debate, I wonder why so
few people say this:
Split your content at the beginning. Guide the latest-Netscape people to
your coolest, most-cutting-edge stuff, and send those with old Mosaic, any
online service browser, or even Lynx, to another set of pages.
It really isn't that hard to "dumb down" your Netscape pages so that they
look good (well, ok) in html 2.0.
Personally, I wish everyone had netscape 1.1 so they could see cool
backgrounds, nice tables and centered text. But I also know that not
everyone can see the 1.0 netscape extensions, and fewer still the 1.1 additions.
So why not make everyone happy? Give 'em what they want, whether it's
Netscape or something that's been around a while.
d a n h o n t z <---------------------------
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